Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ahhh, the Middle Child

Well, I wrote a blog entry about Caleb, so I thought I would give Joshua an entry as well. Josh is the middle child.
I was an only child, so having 3 has been a learning experience to say the least, but having a middle child is something I never was ready for.
Joshua is funny and loving, but he cries out for attention at every turn, and rightly so. Being the middle often means being "forgotten". Not big enough to do some things big brother does, too big to do things that little brother does. No longer the "baby" after 4 years of holding the title. It is a tough place to be in the family, I think he will rise to the occasion, however.
Smart as a whip is our middle son. I believe with his sweet nature and brilliant mind, he has a bright future ahead of him! What lies ahead? Summer camp, learning TaeKwando.

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