Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Sensory Integration Disorder

After our last speech therapy session, it is believed that Adam Jr. has Sensory Integration Disorder.
It is difficult to understand, harder to explain, although we did find a great web site that is really helpful. If you would like to better understand what we are dealing with, please take time to visit the Sensory Processing Disorder website.
We have begun using some of the suggestions for Adam Jr. so that once his sensory needs are taken care of he can focus more on learning and speaking. The hard part is finding the time necessary to implement what needs to be done with my busy schedule now that I work.
Please keep our family and Adam Jr. in prayer.

World Series - Here We Come

Look out world, the Rockies are on the scene! Last nights moment when Todd Helton caught the ball at first base and won the game, is still putting a lump in my throat! It was awesome!
The Rockies deserve the World Series, and I can't wait to see them win it!
Colorado is certainly excited about our team, from Rock-tober, to newly named streets, to songs written just for our team! Rockies fever is everywhere. I have to admit, I think I have caught it!
A local radio station has even made a song for the Rockies, and it Rocks! Check it out here!

Friday, October 5, 2007

Go Rockies!

Can you believe the run the Rockies are having? I am certainly a proud fan at the moment! We were at the game last Saturday night, it was so fun! I think it would be awesome to see them go all the way to the World Series, and the way our boys are playing, we may just have a chance! Go Rockies!

New Season, New Hair Color

Well as usual, as the seasons change, I get antsy. And what do I do when I get antsy, well change my hair color of course! It is a fun red again! Woo-hoo!

Someone liked my Photo

In May I ran the Bolder Boulder, which ends in Folsom Field. Later we viewed the post race events at the field. I took some pictures while we were there.
I put the pictures on my Flickr account, which I hardly ever use.
Then a few weeks ago I got an e-mail asking if I would submit one of my photos for Schmap. I did, and it got accepted! Kinda cool. So it seems my Folsom Field Photo is helping to tell a little about Boulder, I am glad I could help!
See the link above or the widget on this page to see the photo I took (Jenn G.) :-)