Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Boys Praise God

Today at Church the kids led Worship.  I was very proud of all the kids, and especially the boys, it is hard to be in front of people and "perform" let alone lead adults in worship.
Our church consists of mild mannered people when it comes to worship, and I believe it is the heart of the leadership there to teach the people to abandon their preconceived notions and what others think, and to allow themselves to open up and be free in worship.
I love worshiping God with music and dance, it was fun to see the kids do the same.  And yes, even some of the adults joined in and "jumped" for God!  
The children's Pastor is also the kids' music teacher at Landmark Academy.  She is a fun and energetic woman with an amazing heart for God.  What a blessing to have her in our children's lives!
Enjoy the video, heck, get up and Jump!

P.S.  Thanks to my friend Tara for helping with the camera so I could get my praise on!

Just like Daddy

All the boys love to help Dad cook, but for Adam Jr. it means even more.  Adam Jr. has his Daddy's name, his Daddy's smile, his Daddy's determination, just like Daddy he knows how to get what he wants from me almost every time, and now is enjoying cooking, just like Daddy.
It is funny what is in a name and how we often live up to what we are named.

Caleb - Faithful
Joshua - God is Salvation
Adam - Red Earth
Jennifer - Fair One

Monday, November 17, 2008

New Kids On The Block - They're Back

On Friday November 14, 2008 I finally saw the New Kids On The Block in concert.  
You see when I was a teenager, I was a huge fan.  I would say the biggest fan, but I am sure we all think we are the biggest fan.  I had the dolls, the shirts, nightgown, pillowcase, posters, buttons of all sizes, videos that were nearly worn out from so much viewing, and even a home made scrapbook of photos and magazine articles.  Their music played non stop at my house.  I thought I was in love with 5 guys and with Jordan the most!
All my friends went to see them in concert, but I did not.  I was devastated.  
When I saw the billboard last spring, flashing that they were having a concert in my area this fall, I could not wait to get my tickets.  But as the time approached I had no one to go with me and not very much money.  The final days I started looking on line for tickets.  The day of the concert I figured I was out of luck, but I would make some offers to those trying to sell and see if I could get some seats.  As it would turn out, someone was willing to sell me their floor seats, row 17 for what I could afford!  I took my 10 year old son, Caleb.  
It was a packed house and the crowd was insane!  It was nonstop screaming.  It was so funny to see all us 30 somethings acting like we were teenagers again.  The show was amazing!  First they opened with Lady Ga Ga (for whom I was not so GA GA), then Natasha Bedingfield performed and that girl can SING, we enjoyed that a lot.  Then finally, they came out.  It was surreal, 15 years, and finally, there they were just 17 rows of people from me.  The new songs were awesome, the old ones brought back memories, and they still had to moves (Danny even was break dancing).  And yes, they look good still.  In the words of Donnie, it was good to be together again, all grown up.
At the end of the show, last song, security just gave up, so I took Caleb by the hand and we went up by the stage and were within feet of them.  I was shaking I was so excited.
Yes, I am a little crazy.  Yes, Adam had to go out and buy me the greatest hits CD as well as their new CD the very next day.  Yes, I pulled out my old t-shirts.  Yes, I am a New Kids On The Block Fan once again! 

Friday, October 31, 2008

How Time Flies

So it seems I am terrible at blogging.  I have no time.  Here is a quick update as of this Halloween night 2008!
The boys are back in school.  Adam Jr. began preschool.  He really likes it.  His speech is improving and he is doing very well.  (finally off of the Binkie!!!)

Joshua is in Tae Kwon Do, and he just finished flag football.  Caleb started flag football, then broke his thumb before he even got to the first game.  He is busy fundraising for competitive baseball again this year.  

Adam Sr. took a new job that he really loves.  He is building custom homes.  He visited IA recently for the funeral of his Grandfather.

Jenn is busy at work, still running, but much less since completing two 1/2 marathons this summer.  

It seems we will be alone for the holidays this year, which is making us sad.  Currently I am alone while the hubby is off in the mountains attempting to shoot some wild game.

Happy Halloween!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

And the there was Junior

3 posts for my 3 boys. My youngest, my baby.
He has Sensory Integration Disorder and will be evaluated for Autism (although I highly doubt he is on the spectrum.)
Jr. is 2 1/2. He is just starting to speak in small sentences, his recent progress is so exciting. He is loving and sassy at the same time. He is a mamas boy. He brings me joy and laughter.
He has some special needs and requires a higher level of work and attention, but he is worth it.
This one will keep me on my toes for many years to come!

Ahhh, the Middle Child

Well, I wrote a blog entry about Caleb, so I thought I would give Joshua an entry as well. Josh is the middle child.
I was an only child, so having 3 has been a learning experience to say the least, but having a middle child is something I never was ready for.
Joshua is funny and loving, but he cries out for attention at every turn, and rightly so. Being the middle often means being "forgotten". Not big enough to do some things big brother does, too big to do things that little brother does. No longer the "baby" after 4 years of holding the title. It is a tough place to be in the family, I think he will rise to the occasion, however.
Smart as a whip is our middle son. I believe with his sweet nature and brilliant mind, he has a bright future ahead of him! What lies ahead? Summer camp, learning TaeKwando.

Are you ready for some BASEBALL?

I am the mom of an almost 10 year old star! This is Caleb's second year on the Brighton Bears Major League team, and to be honest I couldn't be more proud of my son than when he takes to the field. He is determined, strong, and talented. He works so hard for the thing he loves, baseball.
Playing competitive ball at this age takes a lot of dedication and hard work. Beginning to practice first week of January for the season and playing through July. Doing baseball 4-6 days per week. Getting home after 9 or 10 pm on school nights from away games. Some days playing 2 -3 games in one day. Playing in all weather conditions; rain, snow, sleet, wind, cold. He gives 100% to his team.
I have big hopes for my first born son, of course he dreams of the Major Leagues, I see greatness. Of course, he has his moments, he has his days, he even has his weeks, when he makes me want to pull my hair out and give up, but then when he takes to the field, I see what my boy is made of. I am proud of my son and I am happy to be called his mom.